
Back in the 1980s, at the dawn of the theoretical study of electron correlation in systems with unpaired electrons, quantum chemistry groups from Catalonia and Valencia started to organize informal meetings with French researchers, in particular those from Toulouse. These meetings gave birth to a wealth of new theories (CASSCF, NEVPT2, etc.) and methods but also to a community dedicated to the understanding of molecular magnetism. In 1993, this group of researchers met in a small, abandoned village in the south of France, named Jujols. After coming together in various other locations (Couiza, Sitges, Toulouse, Tarragona, Barcelona, etc.), the group returned to Jujols in 2006 and it was there that the seed was planted for the cycle of 'Jujols-meetings' occurring in France (Alenyà 2007, Bages 2015), The Netherlands (Zeegse 2009), Germany (Mühlheim 2014), Spain (Horta de Sant Joan 2010, Sevilla 2012, Tortosa 2017). Over the years, the group was extended with the most relevant researchers in Europe working in theoretical approaches to molecular magnetism, from France, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Belgium. They share interests in method development for an efficient treatment of electron correlation and applying these methods to interpret and quantify magnetic properties.

The 2022 edition, that will be held in Erquy (France), will be the 10th edition of the Jujols meetings and its program is now available (program).




Registrations are now open and payment can be done through the PayBox application (configuration in progress) or by voucher. 


Fees (408€ tax incl. for PhD and Master students and 480€ tax incl. for academics) include participation to the congress, housing (shared rooms for students), meals, cultural activities, social dinner and transport from and to Lamballe train station.










Université de Rennes 1

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